Closing Yarraville’s Ballarat St – what say you?


I was interested to read in The Age about the plan to close Yarraville’s Ballarat St between Murray and Canterbury streets for up to three months from January.

I’m not sure about this at all! What about parking? What about Anderson St? Does it just get left to get even crazier?

Or will closing Ballarat St effectively close Anderson St to vehicular traffic as well?

The closure is on the block directly outside the Sun, but being intimately familiar with the area and its intense traffic flows, I reckon the following quote is debatable: ”The area to the north (of Anderson Street) outside the Sun Theatre is not a central traffic route.”

The closure of such a small portion of the street with unknown but potentially severe ramifications for the surrounding area seems iffy.

This just doesn’t seem very imaginative – or good value for money.

I’d be happier to consider the complete closure of Ballarat AND Anderson streets – big upsides all round and not much greater downside.

Without doing a head count, I’m pretty sure there are more Anderson St traders than there are on Ballarat St – so why choose the latter over the former?

And I can certainly understand the concerns of the non-Ballarat St trader: “I sympathise with those cafes not getting $50,000 spent on beautification on their doorstep.”

I once exchanged rather angry words with a tour bus driver who was attempting to take his Very Large Vehicle across the train tracks and along Anderson St.

“It’s none of your bloody business,” he shouted at me.

Uh, buddy, I live here – it most certainly IS my business! 🙂

9 thoughts on “Closing Yarraville’s Ballarat St – what say you?

  1. I actively avoid driving on Anderson St anyway, so I like the idea of this. The area feels like a pedestrian mall already, I am interested to see what the outcome of this plan is and if they have plans to expand in the future.


  2. Factor in the train tracks and level crossing, and the new bus terminal … it seems crazy cars are allowed on Anderson St at all. Of course, removing cars and parking would have ramifications for neighbouring streets, but still …


  3. Think it is great.
    Next they should knock down the overpass on Somerville rd. It would reconnect the neighborhood and encourage more pedestrians traversing into the village from the north.


  4. Great idea Cait.
    That overpass drives me nuts. I ride up, i ride down, i ride up, i ride down…
    Anything that restricts car use and promotes all other forms of transport gets my tick.
    I like the ‘piazza Yarraville’ concept. Those traders on Anderson st that are complaining that they missed out on beautification would also complain if the council made a park in front of their shops, because ‘it reduces car traffic to our shops’. I reckon the council needs to split with a bit more cash and invest in violins for them all.


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